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How to Extend the Life of Your Car

life of your car

Lately drivers are more interested in keeping their car as long as possible.  However, that can only be accomplished if you take really good care of your vehicle. Here’s the top ways to make sure the life of your car lasts.

Can you extend the life of your car?

Why yes, yes you can! But that means taking certain precautions throughout your time of ownership. Though modern cars are pretty spectacular, they still require regular maintenance and care to keep them working throughout the years. Keep reading to find out the top five ways to make this happen:

Change your oil

We know this is an obvious one. But you’d be surprised how many drivers skip over this simple maintenance task each year. And frankly, we don’t get why. If you want your vehicle to last, forgoing a routine oil change is the quickest way to damage your engine. So to avoid the risk, make sure this task gets done.  While most manufacturers recommend changing your oil every 3,000 miles, higher quality synthetic oils can prolong your intervals as much as 5,000 to 7,500 miles.

Protect your vehicle from the sun

If you want to maintain the lifespan of your car, you have to view it as a prized possession. What we mean, simply keep it clean and definitely keep it protected from harshening UV rays. Not only does your paint and headlights take a beating, the sun’s rays can slowly deteriorate your engine quality. Fluids and lubricants will run out quicker. With this in mind, always park your vehicle in a garage, carport, or shaded area to extend the life of your car.

Don’t neglect your owner’s manual

Very seldom do new car owners sit down to read a car’s manual. Actually, many times this important booklet remains hidden in the glove box for years on end. While it might not seem valuable unless something goes wrong, the owner’s manual holds all the information you need to keep your vehicle in good condition. From recommended maintenance to operational instructions, it’s never a bad idea to get better acquainted with the inner workings of your car. Particularly if you plan on keeping it for more than the average lifespan of car ownership.

Decrease your drive time

With high gas prices influencing the way we now drive, there’s no better time to decrease your hours on the road. Though this may seem impossible if you lead a hectic lifestyle, there are simple ways to decrease your drive time. For starters, avoid taking short trips. Instead of running your quick errands every day, try planning ahead and knocking out your to-do list all at once. Another great tip is to initiate carpooling to work. Whatever changes you make, it will positively impact the overuse of your vehicle.

Practice stress-free driving habits

Road rage is a common occurrence along major highways and congested cityscapes. However, it’s one of the worst things you can do for your vehicle and the safety of others on the road. Simply put, don’t drive like mad person. We all have our days, but it’s just not worth it. Constant braking and quick acceleration puts a load of stress on your vehicle. And you don’t want that. To extend the life of your car, practice safe driving habits at all times. Give yourself enough time to get to each destination without taking part in reckless driving.

We want to hear from you!

Do you have other tips on how to lengthen the lifespan of your vehicle? Let us know below! Comment and share your thoughts to help other readers be more informed.


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