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How To Overcome Freeway Phobia

freeway phobia

Every human is troubled with some level of fear. Whether it’s the creepy, crawling spiders on your ceiling or the mere thought of being late to class. These stressors develop overtime, and often worsen as we age. Sometimes they are a bit irrational too. When it comes to driving though, there are a number of people who suffer from freeway phobia aka the fear of driving on highways. The fast cars, hasty lane changes, and traffic buildups invoke immediate dread for many drivers. 

While not all individuals experience freeway phobia, it’s a widespread problem nonetheless. In this article, we’ll explore the reasoning for having a fear of driving on highways, including ways to help you overcome this common terror in your life. 

How do I get over my fear of driving on highways?

Ironically, driving on highways is statistically safer than driving on two lane roads in your hometown. According to NPR, the roads traveled least are often the deadliest too. This includes rural or country roads with dim lighting. Areas in general that are less populated. At these times, quality headlights are crucial for guiding you safely, however, the risk of an accident is still greater. Having this knowledge, it just might compel you to overcome your freeway phobia more quickly.

Freeway phobia is more common than you think

For auto enthusiasts who love nothing more than sitting behind the wheel, the concept of freeway phobia is inconceivable. The adrenaline rush of hightailing it down a a five lane road is actually exciting for some. But there are a lot more drivers out there that succumb to the fears of this scenario.

Here are common reactions to freeway phobia:

It’s fueled by anxiety

Anxiety affects up to 40 million adults each year in a number of ways. Certain situations can also heighten your existing anxieties. Driving happens to be one of them. Freeway phobia can set in during an unruly work commute or even with a quick trip to Starbucks. 

It worsens over time

The longer you wait to face your fear of driving on highways, the more trouble you’ll have. This stressor builds overtime which is why every fearful driver should take gradual steps to conquering this obstacle. Or for some, maybe it’s just easier to pull off the bandaid. Embrace the road head on. 

It’s a daily struggle

We rely on our cars to get us to work, school, and just about every place in between. But with freeway phobia on the brain, your struggle to get to and from each place is much more difficult. This could eat up time out of your busy schedule or become a major distraction. 

Best solutions to overcoming freeway phobia

Every driver suffers differently, but these are the best options for combating this common issue. 

Take a defensive driving course

Many drivers take part in a defensive driving course to lower insurance rates, but it is also a great source for drivers with freeway phobia. You can sign up at your local DMV or through your auto insurance agency. It’s not costly and will only benefit you with effective defensive driving skills. 

Hire a driving coach

An experienced driver will serve as your greatest asset as you overcome driving anxiety. A driving coach is an impartial person with compassion and understanding for your biggest stressors on the road. 


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