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Kia Initiates At-Home Test Drive Program Kia@Home


Over a year into the pandemic, we find ourselves in a similar situation of not wanting to heighten our exposure. The idea of walking into a dealership and spending hours searching for the right car has simply lost its appeal. Thanks to Kia, an at-home test drive program has now become available for buyers. In particular, those who are interested in the Kia Carnival and Niro EV and live in major cities that offer this service. This week, Kia announced the decision to introduce the at-home test drive program, calling it the Kia@Home. The concept is simple, but why now? you may ask.

Kia’s announcement comes at an interesting time. At the beginning of the pandemic, dealerships were doing just about anything to get buyers into their storefront again. We witnessed unimaginable lease deals, low financing, and a steadfast push for online buying. Today, a different scenario drives our automotive market. With a looming chip shortage and decreasing inventories nationwide, buyers are once again having to reevaluate their car buying experience. Enter: Kia’s At-Home Test Drive.

How the Kia@Home service works

Although minimal details have been revealed, we do know a Kia representative will bring the chosen vehicle to your home. Once they arrive they’ll deliver a full run down of the car, highlighting the features and detailing the basics of driving that selected Kia model. By then, you’ll be more than ready to get behind the wheel. The test drive portion gives potential buyers the opportunity to take the Carnival or Niro EV out for a spin in their natural environment. You can even picture what it will look like in your driveway!

What cities have the Kia@Home program?

Drivers who live in major cities can take part in the at-home test drive service. In fact, it’s super easy. All you need to do is to book an appointment online. Those who want to test drive the Carnival or Niro EV using the Kia@Home service must be local to the following cities:

It was a smart move to offer the Kia@Home program in a wide variety of locations across the U.S. And the good news — there’s more. Shoppers who are specifically interested in seeing what the new Carnival has to offer, can indulge in this service in the following cities: Cleveland, Columbus, Dallas/Fort Worth, Houston, Indianapolis, Orlando, Phoenix, and Tampa. 

How long will this service last?

You can schedule an appointment for the Kia@Home service throughout October 3rd.  It’s probable that this is a test-run program to see how well consumers respond to the ease and convenience of this new form of test driving. As we’ve seen great success with Hyundai’s Hyundai Drive program, I’m sure Kia buyers will quickly see the benefit of having this type of service at their disposal. In addition, it’s a great move for automakers trying to stay congruent with the times. Kia, like Hyundai, have done an impressive job of catering to consumer opinion. Overall, we speculate this program will take off. And given its success, its feasible Kia will continue it in the months to come. 

Will you try out the Kia@Home program?

To be frank, this type of test drive is a dream for most buyers who hate spending hours at a dealership. Half the time it seems buyers brush off their car shopping experience because they don’t want to deal with pushy salesmen or a 3 hour long process. By signing up for Kia@Home, the test drive comes directly to you. Kia noted it should only take up to an hour of your time as well. This means its a more flexible option for your lifestyle. 

Of course there are disadvantages to consider at this point in time. For one, you have to be interested in the Carnival or Niro EV model to even be interested in this new service. On top of that, potential buyers will still have to visit a local dealership if they actually plan to make a deal. However, if this program garners success, it’s hopeful we’ll see more Kia models included in their at-home test drive service in the near future. Moreover, greater options equals more satisfied drivers. Hence, less time spent in the dealership, a bonus for us all.    

Think you’re interested? Visit the Kia website to get better familiar with the new Kia Carnival and Niro EV. 


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