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The 5 Best Headlight Restoration Kits

If your headlights are hazy or damaged, then you may need to clean them with a headlight restoration kit. This removes the fog and haze that can build up on car headlights over the years, improving the overall safety and comfort of driving by making it easier to see the road at night. This review details what restoration kits are, how to find the best ones for your car and highlights the five best headlight restoration kits on the market today. 

What are headlight restoration kits?

These kits are products that repair oxidized, foggy, dim, and damaged headlight lenses. They work by reducing the level of oxidation of the headlight lenses, allowing the driver to see much better while driving at night. They are intended for older vehicles with damaged or worn-down headlights, although they can serve a preventive purpose for newer vehicles as well. 

How to find the best headlight restoration kits

The best kits contain all that you need to clean your headlights. You should also consider your preference and needs. For example, you may prefer a more extensive kit and do not mind spending more time and money on the restoration. On the other hand, you may prefer an easier to use and more affordable kit to repair minor concerns with your headlights. 

Reviewing the best headlight restoration kits for 2021

After a detailed review of more than a dozen headlight restoration kits, we have put together what we believe are the five best headlight restoration kits on the market. While each restoration kit works well, one may be better than another, depending on the type of vehicle you drive and your personal preference.

Mothers NuLens Headlight Renewal Kit

Mothers NuLens Headlight Renewal Kit is a popular option. It only takes minutes to complete the restoration, making it ideal for beginners. This kit can remove most minor headlight concerns, including faded headlights, stains and minor scratches and flaws.  


This headlight restoration kit is affordable, easy to use and reliably effective. It also includes everything you need to restore your headlights quickly, including a drill-mounted foam ball to polish your headlights, a three-inch backing plate and restoration discs. 


You may need to purchase painter’s tape to isolate the headlights and avoid scratching the surrounding paint. It may also require some practice to learn how to effectively use the drill that is used to clean the headlights. 

Sylvania Headlight Restoration Kit

Sylvania Headlight Restoration Kit is effective and cost-efficient. It involves a three-step process to cleaning your headlight lenses, which includes applying the surface activator, sanding and polishing and sealing the headlight lenses.


Given the positive reviews, you can trust that the Sylvania Headlight Restoration Kit will get the job done for most salvageable headlights that do not yet need replacement. They also offer a lifetime warranty, and the results should last for six months or more.


This headlight restoration kit takes longer to complete, so it may not be ideal for someone that wants an easy to use and fast renewal kit. If you do not mind putting in the time for more effective results, then this headlight restoration kit is a great choice. 

Meguiar’s 1-Step Headlight Restoration Kit

The Meguiar’s 1-Step Headlight Restoration Kit is simpler to use than the Sylvania Headlight Restoration Kit. It comes with a corded drill, which some find more effective than using your hand. They also include a bottle of cleaner and polish, a defect removal pack and finishing pads. 


The “easy buff wool pad” is effective and relatively easy to use. The kit contains all that you need to effectively improve faded or foggy headlights, and you can complete the cleaning procedure in less than thirty minutes. 


They recommend using their headlight protectant to ensure the results last long-term. However, they do not include the protectant in the kit and must purchase it separately. Those who do not wish to use a drill to clean their headlights may not prefer this headlight restoration set. 

Fast Brite Auto Headlight Restorer Kit

The Fast Brite Auto Headlight Restorer Kit is perfect for car owners who want a simple and quick restoration kit. There are only two steps involved, and you can complete the restoration within minutes. This kit works well when used for preventive care, although it may not be ideal for more extensive restorations. 


You can use this Fast Brite kit to keep clean headlights from becoming dim or faded too soon. It is also affordable and easy to use. The kit also includes everything you need to complete the restoration without having to purchase additional components separately.


This headlight restoration kit works well for mild instances of fading or damage, but it will not repair more severe concerns as well as most other top-rated kits. 

Rust-Oleum Wipe New Headlight Restore Kit

The Rust-Oleum Wipe New Headlight Restore Kit is a simple solution to faded headlights. You can restore your headlights in three easy steps. You simply need to clean the headlights, polish them and apply the “Wipe New” product that is provided in the kit. 


This restoration kit is easy to use with clear instructions. It uses an innovative nano-polymer formula that targets tough stains and oxidation. The results are guaranteed by Rust-Oleum to last for at least 100 car washes. 


Using the Rust-Oleum restore kit involves precision and time. It takes longer than many other restoration sets, and you must protect the headlights from sunlight for 24 hours after using the restoration kit for optimal results. 

When to replace your car headlights

These kits work well for restoring slightly faded or damaged headlight lenses. However, severely oxidized, faded or damaged headlights need replacement. If you have problems seeing the road while driving due to outdated, damaged or oxidized headlights, then you likely need to replace them, whereas kits work better for preventing serious concerns and allowing you to extend the life of your headlights.

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