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The Best Car Gadgets for Your Drive in 2021

best car gadgets

Car gadgets are a great way to transform your ride and make it safer, more comfortable and more entertaining for you and your passengers. This review discusses the nine best car gadgets for 2021 that you should consider adding to your car. 

What are car gadgets?

A car gadget is an accessory for cars that can make your car safer and more practical. Some gadgets are also designed to improve the appearance of your car or increase the comfort and overall entertainment your ride provides you and your passengers. Car gadgets are often types of electronics or mechanical devices. They are relatively affordable for drivers, although prices vary. When choosing the car gadgets that are right for you, consider the type of vehicle you drive, your specific needs and your personal preferences. 

The best car gadgets for 2021

This list consists of a range of car gadget types, and you can combine multiple options from this list to make your ride as unique as possible. Now, let’s take a closer look at the nine best car gadgets for 2021. 

Lanmodo Night Vision System

Approximately half of all accidents occur at night. This is due in large part to drivers not being able to see the road, road signs, other drivers and pedestrians as well as they do during the day. The Lanmodo Night Vision System allows the driver to see close to 1,000 feet ahead of them. It conveniently positions on the vehicle’s dash and can be used for rearview as well. However, keep in mind that this is not a substitute for upgraded headlights, which are the best way to help ensure you can see the road well at night. 


Amazon Echo Auto

The Amazon Echo Auto is essentially an Amazon Alexa for your car. This device allows you to stream music, make phone calls, ask for directions, check the news, make grocery lists and much more, all without ever having to take your hands off the steering wheel. The Amazon Echo Auto is perfect for busy drivers who want to make their daily life simpler. 

Fobo Tire Plus

Fobo Tire Plus is an alternative to managing your tire pressure manually with a hand-held gauge. You can simply plug the Bluetooth gauge into your tire and it reflects the tire pressure on your phone. This helps ensure you can properly manage your tire pressure and reduce the risk of driving with a deflated tire or suffering a flat tire. 


Bouncie Car Tracker is a GPS, vehicle location system for your car. This is the perfect car gadget if you have a teenager that has just begun driving and you want to help ensure they are safe and being responsible while on the road. This tracker displays location information on your iPhone and allows you to monitor speed, route history and more. It also notifies you of accidents, which is useful for navigating traffic or helping to ensure the safety of your child while they are not with you. 

Arsvita Audio Cassette Bluetooth Adapter

This allows you to add Bluetooth to any car that does not have Bluetooth integration. You simply place the cassette portion of the adapter to your car and you can stream playlists from your smartphone over your car speakers. This is a cord-free way to enjoy music from your phone while driving. 

Garmin Dash Cam 56

The Garmin Dash Cam 56 is a great way to protect yourself legally if you are involved in an accident. For example, the Dash Cam can record the incident and show where your car was at the time of the accident. This device offers excellent video and voice quality and multiple driver-assist features to help you while on the road. It is very responsive to voice commands, and we find it to be one of the best dash cams on the market today. 

Tile Mate

If you are like so many others that lose their keys constantly, then a Tile Mate is perfect for you. Tile Mate allows you to keep up with your car keys by attaching the tile to your keychain. If you lose your keys, then you can simply use the tile tracker to find them. Tile Mate works in reverse as well, and you can use the tile tracker to locate your phone also. 

BlueDriver Scan Tool

BlueDriver’s scan tool provides you with live diagnostic updates about your car’s performance, so you do not have to rely on the check engine light to know when there are issues with your engine, lights, etc. It is compatible with both Android and Apple devices. You simply connect the Bluetooth adapter and it sends information to your smartphone. This is an advanced tool that gives diagnostic insights similar to what a mechanic would check for. It can be rather pricey but certainly a great way to keep your vehicle in great condition and catch any issues as early as possible. 

Rightline Gear Moki Door Step

The Moki Door Step, which is featured on Shark Tank, Good Morning America and The View, is a genius invention that allows you to easily access your roof, step into larger trucks, etc. The doorstep easily attaches to the U-shaped door latch and provides a secure step up to reach the top of your roof. This is perfect for people who drive larger vehicles or travel a lot, especially those who attach watercraft (i.e. kayaks), luggage, and more to their roof.  

How to choose the best car gadgets for you

Choosing the best car gadgets for you involves assessing your needs. For example, if you have trouble seeing at night and the issue is not related to the quality of your headlights, then you may benefit from the Lanmodo Night Vision System. If you already have a Bluetooth connection, then the Pure Highway 600 may not be right for you. Ultimately, the best car gadgets for you in 2021 depend on the type of vehicle you drive, the age of your vehicle, and your personal preference.


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