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How To Improve Your Winter Driving Experience

winter driving

As the days get shorter and the temperatures turn colder, driving can become more hazardous. Whether you live in an area that sees a lot of snow or more rain and ice, you’ll need to be prepared for the dangers of winter driving. Here are some safety tips to protect you and your passengers during the cold months.

Know your route

You’ve probably heard it said that if the weather is bad and roads are dangerous, you should stay home. While this is sound advice, there may be times when you must get out on the road. In this case, you must work to be as careful as possible. Start by checking the route to your destination. You know the turns and curves, but do you know if the road has been plowed? Many in-vehicle systems allow you to get real-time traffic information, so you can avoid areas that have been closed from a collision. You can also check your state’s Department of Transportation website to get the latest information.

Learn defensive driving tactics

Before you need to drive on slippery roads, you should learn how to drive defensively. You can find an empty parking lot the next time it snows or has iced over and practice your driving. Drive with the intention of getting into a slide. Turn into the slide as you take your foot off the gas pedal. Avoid the temptation to slam on the brakes, which can make the vehicle go off the road. As you get comfortable with these defensive driving tactics, they will become habits that you will do automatically in a real situation.

Have your vehicle inspected for winter driving

Another important tip for driving in winter weather is to have your vehicle checked out by your mechanic before snow, ice, and cold temperatures set in. Some vehicle parts/systems that should be in good condition to handle winter weather include the following:

Your mechanic can also recommend any other repairs that are important to ensure your vehicle doesn’t leave you stranded or cause issues in cold weather. You may also benefit from putting on winter tires for more traction if you live in an area with a lot of snow.

If you must drive in winter conditions, be smart, play it safe, and keep your vehicle in optimal condition. Don’t let Old Man Winter keep you locked inside or in a dangerous situation this winter. 


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