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Tips on How to Pass Your Driving Test

how to pass your driving test

Getting your driver’s license is a major milestone in a person’s life. In fact, your first moments behind the wheel are some of the most memorable times you’ll have. At the same time, the experience comes with a lot of pressure. Inexperienced drivers must prepare and practice before taking the official driving test at the DMV. Though we hope you pass with flying colors, there are ways to make the experience a little less nerve-racking. Here are our tried and true tips for passing your driving exam (on the first try).

How to pass your driving test 101

The first step in becoming a licensed driver is obtaining your learner’s permit. This is your opportunity to get a lot of practice with a licensed driver in the passenger seat.

Advice #1: Choose a person that is knowledgable and who will make you feel comfortable as you learn. You don’t want someone who will cause confusion or stress during this stage. While gaining practice, ask your chosen friend, parent, colleague, or instructor to take notice of your mistakes. Ask for feedback so you can continually improve before your examination.

Advice #2: Practice driving in empty parking lots. On the weekends, you can mainly take advantage of office parking lots where no other vehicles or pedestrians will be present. If you want to elevate the experience, consider buying some orange cones to practice parallel parking and sharp turns.

Advice #3: Practice driving in the same vehicle that you’ll take your driving test. It’s best to become comfortable with the vehicle and know your surroundings. Especially how to use basic controls, like turning headlights on, hazards, and changing mirrors.

Now let’s talk about the driving test…

When the day comes for you to take your driving test, there are a few things you should know:

Get to your test early

Just because you’re well-practiced and know all the roadway signals, does not mean you should walk into the DMV without caution. Last minute nerves can kick in at any time. Therefore, always get to your testing location early.

Remember your hand placement

Today, the NHSTA recommends that all drivers keep their hands in the 9 and 3 o’clock positions. Due to airbag placement, this is the safest place for your hands to be all times while driving.

Never cross solid lines

This is one of the easiest ways to fail your road test. As a general rule, never cross a solid line as this will rule an automatic fail. Always take notice of the line markings and remember that your instructor will take notice of insufficient passing.

Pay attention to who arrives first at a four-way stop

When you arrive at a four way stop, the first person there always has the right of way. If you arrive at the same time, be courtesy and let that driver go ahead of you.

What are the most common mistakes on a driving test?

As much as drivers prepare for this life-changing experience, sometimes nerves get the best of them. For that reason, here are the most common mistakes to avoid during your driving test. The instructor will be keeping a keen eye on whether you miss the mark on the following directives:

Final thoughts on how to pass your driving test

Taking your driving exam is just the first step in your driving history. We hope these simple tips guide you in the right direction before and during your driving test this year. To learn more about road safety in preparation for your test, visit the NHTSA website for resources and information.

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