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Tips to Make Your Car Last Longer

make your car last

If you just bought a vehicle or just want to be payment-free for a few years, you’re probably thinking about how you can make your car last longer. Many reliable models are on the market today, but how you care for them will have the biggest influence on how long they perform well for you. Here are some tips on how you can make your vehicle last for years until you’re ready to upgrade.

Maintain a regular service schedule

Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for how often specific services should be performed. This is the single most important thing you can do to keep your vehicle on the road. Regular routine service also helps reduce the number of repairs you need to make.

Get repairs done ASAP

When you notice that your car isn’t performing as well as it did or you hear a strange sound, don’t ignore it just because your vehicle is still running. Many times, you will get a warning light on your dash when something needs to be checked. If you fail to pay attention until your car stops running, you could end up with more damage. Many times, when one component fails, it places pressure on another, causing it to also need to be replaced. Minor repairs can turn into major issues when you delay service.

Clean your car

Keeping your car clean doesn’t just make it look pretty; it protects your vehicle. Dust and dirt can get into sensitive places, which can lead to damage. One example of this is with salt on the roads, which can lead to rust. You may not see the damage on components under your vehicle until they stop doing their job. It’s a good idea to take your car through the car wash after driving on such roads.

Know how to warm up your car in cold temperatures

Many people will start their vehicle and get in and drive right away in cold weather while others will let it sit for several minutes until the cabin is warm. Neither option is best for your vehicle. The first is hard on your engine and the second provides very little benefit. Instead, start the engine and let it sit for just about a minute. Then, put it in drive and start off slowly. Ease onto the accelerator as the oil makes its way through the engine. Drive carefully until the temperature gauge begins to rise and you feel warm air coming through the heater. At this point, you’re ready to drive at normal speed.

Give it a workout

While it’s best to drive sensibly most of the time, sometimes it’s good to open up the engine and let it go. Drive at higher RPMs for just a minute to give your vehicle a workout. It helps clean out gunk that accumulates in the engine.

Follow these tips to help your car last longer. With the right care, you could drive your vehicle for well over 200,000 miles and for many years. 

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