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Why Tinting Your Car Matters

tinting your car

The summertime heat has us all in a tizzy. If you’re on the west coast of the US – it’s hot and dry, but beautiful at nighttime. If you’re on the east coast, it’s hot and humid all day and all night; the coastline makes it a bit breezier, but humid and wet, nonetheless. We take time to bask in the sun during the day, followed by a cooling off session with a quick dip in the pool, lake, or ocean. It has us all wondering, “Do our cars have a love/hate relationship with this heat like we do?”

We’re all hot and bothered by this heat, and so are our cars

Going along with the theme of doing the absolute most to help retain your car’s value, we absolutely have to put a big old reminder out there that tinting your car is nearly essential to keeping the interior safe and longer lasting. 

To help explain: The windows and paint of your car are, obviously, its outermost layer. Think of the windows of your car as your skin. What do you do when it’s super sunny outside and you’re going for a swim? Or going to spend a prolonged period of time outside? You put on sunscreen! Or else you’re totally screwed and totally going to get sunburn. That leads to unnecessary pain, peeling, and even sun poisoning in some cases! Now, do you want your car to get sun poisoning (so to speak), or do you want to protect its look and value at all costs?! We sure hope it’s the latter. 

Without a tint, the sun’s rays penetrate directly into your vehicle. UV rays, just as they damage our skin, damage our car’s surfaces. The plastic knobs, leather seats, faux-leather upholstery, etc. are all heavily damaged by the sun’s rays over time. Over the years, you will start to notice cracking, peeling, and discoloration. The more sun and the more heat your car is subjected to, the faster this aging process takes place. We told you it’s just like human skin! For all these reasons, it’s imperative that you consider tinting your car’s windows if you haven’t already. 

Tinting your car’s windows 

…is the best way to dramatically decrease these signs of aging on your car’s interior. Tint disallows a huge portion of the sun’s UV rays from penetrating into the vehicle, keeping your seats, wheel, and dashboard safe from the damaging effects of the sun. Tinting your car is also a cost effective way to keep your car looking better and cleaner for longer. Thus helping you retain its value and saving you money down the line. 

Not only that – your car will feel less hot too. Because tint stops the sun from penetrating as easily into your vehicle, it takes a lot longer for your car to heat up. So, when your car is just sitting in a parking lot in the summertime heat, the tint is helping it stay cooler for longer by refusing to absorb direct sunlight. 

And, for most tint users, they will stand by the fact that their car actually looks nicer with tint than without it. For purely aesthetic reasons, tinting your car is a great option too.  

Seems like a win/win/win to us 

Besides cost (which is relatively cheap at approximately ~$115 for 4 tinted windows and the rear), there aren’t any downsides to getting your car tinted. Simply do it for your car’s health! It’ll be worth it, no doubt.

Thanks a million for reading our blog post on car tinting! We hope this information persuades you to better protect your vehicle against the harshening sun exposure. To learn more about vehicle maintenance and other helpful insights, check out the following articles:

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