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How Long Do Headlights Last?

How Long Do Headlights Last

You use your car every day – to get to work, to get to yoga, to get to that first (or maybe last) date. Let’s face it, without your car, life would be quite difficult. Car owners rely on this heavy piece of machinery to transport them to and from their next destination. But are they paying close attention to the details that make it function? The answer depends on the car owner and who you ask. Most car owners would agree that taking care of your automobile is important, and it comes with a list of responsibilities.

You have to change the oil every few months and make sure the tires have enough air pressure. You have to keep it clean and fix unexpected repairs. The list goes on. As a car owner, you should be aware and organized at all times. A major part of staying on top of your responsibilities involves making sure your headlights are working properly. Headlights are imperative to the safety and function of your car; therefore, it is important to know how long they will last and how to avoid the danger of deteriorating headlights.

The following will detail the types of headlights and their expected lifespan – along with the contributing factors that cause their deterioration.

Halogen Headlights

A halogen headlight typically maintains an average lifespan of 450-1,000 hours. That may seem like a wide range, but the exactness lies in the frequency of your driving and the quality of the bulb. Halogen bulbs have a lower lifespan in comparison to other headlight technologies, but they still remain the most cost-effective option. Car owners who are on a tight budget will likely gravitate towards this type of headlight.

HID Headlights

These headlights are extremely powerful and provide some of the strongest illuminance in headlight production. HID headlights uphold an average service life of 2,000 hours. Because of their brightness, HID headlights are often recommended for people who typically drive at night or through rough terrains.

LED Headlights

LED technology offers the greatest service life. On average, LED headlights can last up to 30,000 hours. For that reason, these headlights have become a popular option among car manufacturers in terms of its strong efficiency and contemporary design. LED headlights are easy to install and make for the perfect upgrade if you are looking to modernize your vehicle.

What factors affect headlight lifespan?

There are a number of reasons why your headlight lifespan may fall shorter than expected. For one, the conditions you drive in. Harsh climates typically cause your headlights to diminish faster. Sunlight exposure can even take a toll on the plastic coverings, decreasing the effectiveness of your headlights while driving. Drivers who live in regions where daylight hours are less frequent would require more use of their headlights in the dark.

The lifespan of your headlights can even be determined by your lifestyle. If you frequently drive at night, then you are demanding more use of your headlights. If you typically drive during the day then maybe your illuminance will stay intact longer. Sometimes there can be defects or installation problems that can cause your headlights to perform below average. Whether your car is 3 years old or 10 years old, it does not matter. The lifespan of your headlights will greatly depend on the type of headlights you have and the lifestyle factors that take a toll.

Is it time for a replacement?

If you have noticed lately that your headlights are generating less illuminance, then it is likely you are in desperate need of a headlight replacement. Any decrease in performance poses a serious safety issue for you and others on the road. Do not hesitate to purchase new headlights or upgrade to more efficient ones. Not only will new headlights increase your safety on the road, it will also improve the look of your front end. When it comes time to replace your headlights, you might feel overwhelmed on where to find good replacements. Luckily, you can visit Headlights Depot to browse their wide selection of quality headlights at an affordable cost.


Essentially, your car functions as your secondary oasis during the day. It is the place you can retreat to after a long day at work. It is the vessel that will lead you to your next Starbucks coffee. Whatever your lifestyle may be, it makes total sense to invest some time and money in the upkeep of your vehicle – specifically your headlights. The statistical averages show us that the type of headlight (halogen, HID, and LED) will greatly determine how frequently you need to replace your headlamps. Over time, your car will continue to age, but keeping your headlights up to date will provide continued safety and optimal performance.

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