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What The Heck Are Squirrel Finders? Learn All About This Headlight Feature

squirrel finders

If you’re an automotive fanatic, chances are you’ve heard of squirrel finders, a glare feature of headlight projection. And if you haven’t, you’re probably already wondering: “What the heck do squirrels and headlights have to do with one another?”. Funny enough, it’s not some high-tech mapping device that tracks down squirrels. Actually, it has nothing to do with those fuzzy tailed creatures at all.

The bizarre name has origins that most experts can’t seem to pinpoint. While most would agree its name came from the escaping light being projected onto trees and shrubbery where squirrels reside. With very little mentioned about this headlight faux pas in articles or regulations, there are several car owners driving down the road, not even knowing it exists. On the other hand, squirrel finders are a relatively common term thrown around in the headlight industry. Once you know about them, you know there are some dangers involved.

After reading several headlight forums, we came to the conclusion that most drivers are unfamiliar with squirrel finders or fail to know they even exist. Since we believe our readers deserve the best knowledge regarding all things headlight-related, we’ve broken down the most asked questions about squirrel finders below.

We hope this information helps, even a little!

What are squirrel finders?

In ECE documentation and DOT regulations, there is no specific hint of the term squirrel finders. Yet, almost every car enthusiast calls them by this name. To put things simply, a squirrel finder is the light that shines above the cutoff. With halogen projection, the light above the cutoff works effectively to help increase illumination. However, the seeping light serves no purpose when higher quality bulbs are involved. Case in point: HID headlamps.

When do they appear?

When you upgrade to HID headlights, that’s when you’ll notice squirrel finders the most. The halo effect that forms can cause an adverse affect on oncoming traffic. Some reports suggest the glare can easily blind other vehicles or pedestrians nearby. While HID bulbs are a top-notch form of lighting, they don’t fit the mold of every existing headlight model.

The DOT has had to regulate aftermarket HID headlamps for this reason. There is no guarantee a switch from halogen to HID headlamps won’t require some modifying. Therefore, it’s important for drivers to know about squirrel finders and what they can do to lessen the risk of blinding oncoming vehicles.

Can I remove or block squirrel finders?

Want to eliminate the glare? Some car enthusiasts have had to get creative. We’ve read various accounts from drivers who have had enough of the glare-ish affect. Some mechanics have retrofitted a piece to cover the hole or slip (depending on the type of projector). Some have looked for other HID headlamp kits for better outcomes. All said and done, it’s best to consult with an experienced mechanic or headlight professional before upgrading to HID headlights these days.

In conclusion

There are plenty of benefits for switching to HID headlamps. For starters, they are energy efficient and provide better coverage on the road. In addition, the xenon bulb omits a bright, white light more comparable to natural daylight. This means drivers can rely on HID headlights to provide long-lasting and safe illumination at all times.

However, the main downside to these top-notch headlamps is the potential for glare. While headlight kits offer the ability to upgrade from halogen to HID lighting, the potential for squirrel finders to appear is almost inevitable. Unless you’re informed on the right way to install HID bulbs, it’s best to leave it up to the experts.

The best piece of advice to avoid squirrel finders is to choose a HID upgrade that is compatible with your car. Or at least be aware that the halo effect could occur. For instance, if you drive an older model with standard halogen bulbs, you’ll run into this problem.

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