headlight etiquette

What Is Headlight Etiquette?

An experienced driver may know a thing or two about headlight etiquette. But for those who are new to the wheel, flashing headlights can add a lot of confusion to your day. In that very moment, it’d be impossible to think you haven’t done something wrong. Are you driving too fast? Is something wrong with your car? These are the questions that run through your mind as you nervously drive forward. Well, we’re here to tell you there is actual meaning behind the number of flashes. In fact, knowing those differences will make you a better driver in 2022.

Before we break down the details, we encourage our readers to familiarize themselves with headlight safety. For starters, knowing the right time to illuminate your headlamps, beyond what your vehicle tells you.

When must you turn your headlights on?

An important part of headlight etiquette is knowing when to use your headlamps. As a good rule of thumb, all drivers should turn on their vehicle headlights during dusk and dawn. By law, it states that vehicle headlights must be operating at least 30 minutes after sunset until 30 minutes before sunrise. In addition to this timeframe, weather conditions play an influential role on the use of headlamps. For instance, heavy rain or fog would require turning on your headlights for a safe journey to your destination.

What’s more, headlights are not so interchangeable. Each type of headlight offers its own benefits and a diverse range of illumination. Some offer better efficiency, while others bring forth unique features like squirrel finders or projection lenses.

headlight etiquette

Image source: AutoCar

It’s a great idea to become informed on the type of headlight your specific make or model carries. And who knows, if you’re looking for better safety and stronger illumination overall, you might just feel the urge to upgrade to a better version as a result.

Headlight etiquette 101:

Now that you’re more acquainted with when to use your headlights, here is a quick lowdown on the rules of the road. Whether it’s 1, 2, or 3 flashes, you’ll want to know what an oncoming driver is trying to say to you.

One flash wonder

A quick flash of your headlights indicates an oncoming vehicles’ headlamps are not functioning properly. This could mean they simply forgot to turn them on or a headlight bulb is out of commission. It’s actually helpful to inform oncoming traffic that a headlamp is out, because many times drivers do not notice. Therefore, a single flash will let a fellow driver know to turn on their lights or look into a headlight restoration kit. As you can see, this headlight etiquette tip is easy to grasp.

What does it mean if someone flashes their headlights at you 2 times?

When an oncoming vehicle flashes their headlights twice, don’t assume it’s just a mistake or act to annoy you. Two flashing lights typically means it’s time to watch your speed. In all reality, it’s probably a direct message that law enforcement is up ahead. You’ll want to slow down immediately and check to see if your speed is in line with the established speed limit.

3 means business

The moment you watch a set of high beams flash three or more times, it’s safe to say danger lies ahead. Whether it’s an accident, road hazard, work crew, or animal crossing, you’ll be glad you got the warning to slow down. Even if the other driver is overreacting, it’s smart to approach the scene with caution. As the old adage goes, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Be cautious of informal headlight etiquette

Take note: there are several drivers who use their headlights as a form of aggressive driving. Just think of the last time you were riding down the fast lane on a major highway. I’m sure some impatient driver in a sports car started tailing behind you. Not before long you notice a flicker of his or her headlights glaring in your windshield. Unfortunately, this has become a common occurrence on roadways across the nation. Headlight flashing will be used to nudge other drivers to change lanes or move at the expense of another drivers’ agenda.

Of course, there are some seasoned drivers who use headlight flashing to signify a right of way. In those cases, the use of headlights is usually good natured, but it still veers off course from traditional headlight etiquette. Keep this in mind when you go to use your headlights as a form of communication.

Overview of headlight etiquette

Most drivers aren’t always keen on following the rules of the road. However, headlight etiquette is something that everyone can work on. Perhaps it’s easier to think of your headlights as an optical horn instead. When you need to send an important message, communicate through your headlights with clear direction. That said, we hope all our readers absorb this information with ease. Therefore, the next time someone flashes his or her headlights in your direction, you’ll take it as a friendly reminder. Keep your speed within limit, be on the lookout for hazards, and proceed with caution.

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Michaella Malone
Michaella Malone is a content specialist and full-time freelancer with 5+ years of experience working with small businesses on online platforms. She is a graduate of Florida State University (Go Noles!) and avid traveller, having visited over 25 countries and counting. In addition to blogging, ghostwriting, and social media content, she has contributed to the development of English as a Second Language (ESL) curriculums for international programs.


    1. When people flash me I assume it’s because my lights are not on or law enforcement is ahead. This was well needed.

    2. very interesting.

    3. Love this headlight etiquette!

    4. Interesting and good read. Always a good refresher.

    5. I just learned ASL for ‘light’ which is to make an O with fingers and thumb, with the hand above head level a bit to the side. To do it driving, I’d have to scunch my head down to have space for the sign. Like 33% of people now maybe do -not- put their lights on at night, and fewer care.

      As to the article, it shows different headlight styles with the ‘laser lights’ style (not lasers, obv.) underdriving their headlights in all cases under 60 mph. A world of No.

      The 1-3 flashes things checks out. 1 for coffee on top of the car, 2 for slick roads or police monitoring, 3 for rocks and trees falling across the roadway ahead, maybe sinkholes happening.

    6. Oops, you have to open the O at least once for it to be light. In ASL. ‘Hard’ because you have to reach above your head, which doesn’t work without headroom or for 65+ who can’t do that without pain and other stuff happening.

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